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Vic Audits

Vic Audits was founded in 2018 by Sally Bonham with the vision of providing a high-quality, independent consultancy specialising in Environmental Audits. Having worked in mid to large size companies throughout her working career, Sally saw the opportunity to offer people a more personal and specialised approach to Environmental Auditing.  


With a combined 60 years’ experience in the Contaminated Land industry, our team of four highly skilled and experienced people guarantees that your project is handled exclusively by the Environmental Auditor and a dedicated Auditor Representative, ensuring efficiency, consistency and quality at all points throughout the process.

We pride ourselves on being approachable and reliable, with a hands-on attitude to guiding people through the Environmental Audit and associated processes.

Sally Bonham

By maintaining a boutique size not only are we able to focus on providing high-quality core services but we are also able to devote more one on one time to our clients, peers and assessment consultants ensuring a collaborative, open and efficient approach to all aspects of the project.


Continually up-skilling, training and engaging with Regulators and peers, our specialist team has knowledge and experience in all aspects of Environmental Auditing.

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Our consistent approach to a more transparent Audit process is achieved through:

Vic Audits are dedicated to providing practical and effective Environmental Audit solutions for our clients through a personalised and quality service for every project.

Focusing on delivery of high-quality core services.

Providing clear, concise and site-specific advice as early as possible in the project, with a focus on practicable outcomes.

Personal Approach:
Limiting the project team to a small, highly-skilled group of professionals, with direct and regular involvement and collaboration with the Auditor.

The outcomes of this have been the delivery of cost-efficient, time-efficient and practical outcomes to Environmental Audits and services since starting Vic Audits.

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P.O. Box 525 Bentleigh East Victoria 3165

© VicAudits

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